Saturday, July 24, 2010


Another new development in The Handyman's House is paint in the living room!  We could only choose one color for the entire interior of our house so we picked a creamy neutral, Mason Blanche.  All our walls and our baseboards are painted in this color.  Nice, but boring.

So add some contrast, we picked a darker shade of the same hue for the walls in the living areas. Derek isn't quite finished yet, but it looks great so far!

The window across the room is casting weird shadows on the walls.  The actual color is in the middle.

Interior Paint

Another new development with our house is paint in the living room!  We could only choose one color for the entire interior of our house so we picked a creamy neutral, Mason Blanche.  All our walls and our baseboards are painted Mason Blanch.  Nice, but boring.

So add some contrast, we picked a darker shade of the same hue for the walls in the living areas. We aren't quite finished yet, but it looks great so far!

The window is casting weird shadows on the walls.  :(  The actual color is in the middle.

Mowing Our Lawn

Yesterday, Derek fixed the broken lawn mower I got for $10 at a yard sale and mowed the lawn!  Yes, I did know it was broken when I bought it, but I figured that even if we couldn't fix it, we'd only be out $10.  What a deal!

And it seems to have been a simple fix.  The plastic tank was cracked--the previous owner left gasoline in the tank through the winter--so Derek glued it with PVC glue and it held!  Since the crack is near the top, Derek is hoping that if he doesn't fill up the tank, it will hold for quite a while. 

Here are some pictures of our freshly mowed lawn.  It looks great!!

And here's a picture of how our curb appeal is coming along.  We're about halfway finished!!

We will cover the dirt on the left of the driveway with pavers and with wood chips on the right.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

MDF Baseboards

When Derek ripped out the original baseboard, we decided to put in 5" MDF instead.  It looks great!! 

He is pre-painting the boards, nailing them to the walls, spackeling the nail holes and joints, caulking, and touching up with paint.


Today Derek started putting in our new baseboards.  He ripped out the originals when he replaced the flooring and instead of putting the boring stuff back in, we decided to put in 5" MDF.  It looks great!!  I can't wait 'til the rest of the house is done!!